
How to turn a $10 Wristrocket Singshot into a Deadly Slingbow for Zombie Defense, Fishing, Hunting & Survival

The sling bow is a modified #slingshot used to shoot arrows instead of “shot” or rocks. Though still a relatively new concept, the idea caught on like a wildfire, with countless slingbow clubs, associations and competitions popping up all across America and the world. There are many different versions of the sling bow available out there, with…

How to Escape Handcuffs, Zip Ties & Duct Tape Restraints Guaranteed

How to Easily Escape Handcuffs, Zip Ties and Duct Tape Restraints (with a Little Practice) Guaranteed Though most preppers, survivalists and escape artists teaching people how to escape from restraints, no matter if they are handcuffs, zip ties, duct tape or rope automatically assume you are trying to escape from a home invasion or kidnapping scenario,…

How to Improve Your Close-Quarter Combat Scenario Handgun Accuracy in Minutes with a Couple of Easy Tips

Everybody claims to be a Badass Shot, but here are some real #tips that you can actually use to make YOU that Badass Shot Volumes of material have been written about acquiring proper physical technique and mental discipline in precision pistol shooting. However, very few truly explored the ongoing tremendous internal battle of the competitor or…