Land Reforms

Land Reforms Need to be Revived on Urgent Basis

In recent times the government has been steadily going back on its commitment to land reforms in India. This is true of the union government as well as several state governments. This has been one of the most unfortunate aspects of development policy in India, leading to increase of inequality as well as reduction of possibilities of sustainable, ecologically protective,[Read More...]

Dalit-Adivasi in Uttar Pradesh and the question of land

According to the 2011 census, the total Scheduled Caste (Dalit) population in Uttar Pradesh is 4.13 crore, which is about 21% of the total population of Uttar Pradesh. According to the same census, there are 61.91 lakh families of Dalits in Uttar Pradesh, which is 23% of the total families of Uttar Pradesh. Similarly, the total population of Scheduled Tribes[Read More...]

Land May Be A Deeply Philosophical Issue But Must Face Practical Realities of This World

The more one thinks about it, the stronger appears the case for distribution of land based on equality, justice and actual need. Tolstoy, one of the greatest philosophers but by inheritance also a very big landlord, thought a lot about this issue and the more he thought, the more convinced he became that the most logical, in fact , the[Read More...]

Land Reforms as political agenda for 2019

Land Reforms are a forgotten subjects for the political parties and the policy makers. It is ironical that the ‘biggest’ democracy of the world does not give the issue of land reforms a priority. Even the political parties have paid merely lip services. The social movements that we have seen during the past few years were actually against the transnational[Read More...]

Uttarakhand High Court Rejects Government’s Affidavit On Land Ceiling Laws

Uttarakhand High Court has rejected an affidavit filed by the state government in relation to a writ petition filed by me on behalf of Social Development Foundation, Delhi in 2013, related to issue of the Land Ceiling Laws in the state. In the last hearing the Chief Justice of the High Court Justice K M Joseph and Justice V K[Read More...]