CORBETT REPORT - ITALIAN ELECTIONS, JAPANESE QE, ILLUSORY US REAL ESTATE RECOVERY, LEHMAN v JPM, SWISS GOLD INITIATIVE, KILLER DRONES. Please find below a link to a recent VIDEO interview, between myself and James Corbett, founder and owner of the Corbett Report – where we discuss a wide range of subjects covering economics, finance and politics.This interview discusses, the recent Italian elections and the resurgence of democracy as a protest against austerity imposed by the technocratic government; the ultimate futility of QE by Mr Abe in Japan following the nomination of a new BOJ governor; the illusory US real estate market recovery as portrayed by Bernanke and the National Association of Realtors; the scandal that JPM actions may have been the final straw that led to the bankruptcy of Lehman and triggered the financial crisis; the movement in Switzerland to organise a referendum on having Gold to back the currency; Rand Paul's filibuster and opposition to unconstitutional powers, allowing the President to kill Americans in the US without trial by executive fiat. Corbett Report provides a weekly podcast as well as interviews, articles and videos about current events and suppressed history from an independent perspective.I am very pleased that my message is reaching an ever wider audience.